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Build, test and iterate with our sandbox

Try our entire platform for free. Our sandbox gives you unlimited access to all our products.

Instant access
Fully documented
Try it now

What our customers say

We've built a complete prototype of our UK offering using just Griffin's sandbox. The modern architecture, simple API and superior documentation has been a breath of fresh air, allowing us to build and iterate fast.

A portrait of Anurag SinghAnurag Singh
ProMEX Developer

Discover what you can do in the sandbox

  1. Onboard your customers

    Use Verify to simulate KYC/KYB verification checks on UK companies, sole traders and individuals, make onboarding decisions, and view audit trails.

  2. Create operational bank accounts

    Open as many operational accounts as you like and make transfers between them. Get a real feel for what it's like to manage your funds with Griffin.

  3. Create customer bank accounts

    Create unlimited safeguarding and client money accounts for your customers and get full visiblity on their activity with our built-in ledger.

  4. Send payments

    Add payees and simulate sending payments to UK bank accounts. You'll start off with a trial balance of £1,000 to play around with!

The API your tech team will love

Our API is fully documented, with step-by-step guides and a Postman collection, so you have everything you need to start building. (With our team on hand to help if you get stuck!)

POST /bank/accounts/ac.svcsUO4KS3uz0ChEr5l9zA/payments

  "payee-url": "/v0/payees/pe.Hu7vvEX3TPWFjlwvKsb9QA",
  "payment-reference": "Sandbox testing",
  "payment-amount": {
    "currency": "GBP",
    "value": "500.00"

Build with no strings attached

Discover the value you can get from Griffin, on your terms and at your own pace. Fully integrate and test your products in the sandbox before deciding if our platform is right for you. We're here when you're ready to go live.

No paywalls
No sales pitch
Try the sandbox