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What are the key differences between sandbox and live organizations?

Our platform has two types of organizations: sandbox and live.

Sandbox and live are separate environments. When you create an account in our app, you will start in sandbox. Once you go live as a Griffin customer, we will set you up with a live organization.

Once you have your live organization, you will still have access to sandbox through the same user login. But resources cannot be transferred between sandbox and live.

The key differences between sandbox and live organisations are shown below:

 Sandbox Live
PaymentsAre not sent to payment schemes. Are always successful.Are sent to payment schemes. Can be rejected by Griffin or payment schemes.
Onboarding workflowsNo third party checks are conducted.Third party checks are conducted.
ID&V emailsYou (the person using sandbox) will receive a simulated ID&V email.ID&V emails are sent to customers.
Onboarding decisionsYou can choose whether to accept or reject a customer.Griffin has the final say on whether a customer is accepted or rejected.
Available productsYou can access all of Griffin's products.You get access to the products that you have been approved for.
InterestNot available.Is paid on all your balances.
Bank accountsHave simulated sort codes and account numbers. Are not reachable by payment schemes.Are issued with real account numbers and sort codes. Are reachable via payment schemes and Confirmation of Payee.
Open bankingNot available.Available on relevant accounts.
Portrait of Written by Ben Crane
Written by Ben Crane Updated 13 December 2024

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